Discovering that a company has been registered to your address without your knowledge can be unsettling. Unfortunately, fraudulent use of personal details and addresses is a growing issue. If this happens to you, it’s important to act quickly to protect yourself and ensure the situation is resolved.
Report the Fraud to Companies House
If a company has been fraudulently registered to your address, you can report it to Companies House using their online service:
- Visit the official guidance and reporting page here: Report a company using your personal details without your permission.
- Provide the following details when reporting the issue:
- Your full name and contact information.
- The name and company registration number of the company.
Note: If you have received one of our letters, the company number will be the numbers after the letters and before the company name in the "Ref" under the date, at the top of the letter. For example: CS - [company number] - [company name] - Details of how you became aware of the issue.
- Proof of your address, such as a utility bill or council tax statement.
What Happens Next?
Once you report the fraudulent use of your address, Companies House will investigate. If they confirm that fraud has occurred, they can update the company’s registered address and take appropriate action against them.
Key Takeaway
While discovering that a company has been fraudulently registered to your address can be distressing, acting quickly and following the steps above can help resolve the situation. Use the official reporting tools provided by Companies House, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice if needed.